Fracture identification for carbonate reservoir by conventional well logging presentation of the goods 常规测井方法识别碳酸盐岩储层裂缝商品的储藏货物的保藏
Identification, property valuation or offer more potential value of the thin space, do not buy fake goods, genuine made-mail LYJ confirm current price sale price. 鉴定、估价或出价稀物更具潜值空间,不买假品,真品时价发邮箱LYJ确认定价出售。
Identification of Carrier, Actual Carrier, Shipper and Consignee in Carriage of Goods by Sea 海上货物运输中承运人、实际承运人、托运人及收货人的识别
US Customs implements different identification methods according to variety of intellectual properties infringed by the goods. 美国海关根据货物所侵犯的知识产权的种类的不同,实施不同的认定方法。
Classification and Rapid Identification of the Hazard of Transporting Goods by Air 航空运输货物危险性的分类和快速鉴定
IC components of a certain identification of the naked eye, can be dispersed areas and bought new merchandise goods. 对IC元器件有一定肉眼辨别力,能区分散新货和原装货。
Establish a documented procedure for the inspection and identification of Hazardous substances included in purchased goods. 针对采购物品中有害物质之检验与识别建立文件化程序。
In practical application, electronic tags are attached on goods for identification, as a electronic mark of the goods waiting to be identified. 应用中将电子标签附着在待识别物品上,作为待识别物品的电子标记。
GOODS DISPLAY The identification and acceptance of character goods in Japanese society has much to do with Japanese cultural background. 现代日本社会对卡通商品的认同与接受,和日本社会的文化背景有着密切的关系。
Discussion on the solid waste characteristic identification of import goods as raw materials 进口物品固体废物属性鉴别探讨
Identification and control of specific dangerous factors for ships carrying dangerous goods in bulk 船载固体散货特定危险因素辨识与控制
Trademark is a commercial identification sign provided by the dealer in the use of the goods or services, in order to distinguish goods or services from others. 商标是经营者在商品或服务上使用的,将自己经营的商品或提供的服务与其他经营者经营的商品或提供的服务区别开来的一种商业性识别标记。
Radio Frequency Identification ( RFID), which is a auto-identification technology, is broadly applied in Circulation of commodities, military supply, manufacture process, important goods tracing and protection and so on. RFID是一种自动识别技术,近年来广泛应用在商品流通,军用品管理,制造流程,以及重要物品的跟踪与保护等领域。
RFID is a non-contact automatic identification technology, which through the radio frequency signal, automatically identify the object and get the data, It is one of the best technology of electronic goods. RFID是一种非接触的自动识别技术,它通过射频信号,自动识别目标对象并获取数据,是物品电子化最佳技术之一。
Because the equipment is technology intensive, advanced imaging technology, it can be effective for the identification of dangerous goods and enhance the quality of Dangerous Goods curse. 由于该仪器科技含量高,成像技术先进,能对危险品进行有效的识别,可提高危险品查堵工作质量。
Our legislation should specify the concept and identification standards of straight bill of lading, perfect the rules about delivery of goods under straight bill of lading and introduce the contents of right of control. 我国海商法应该借鉴该公约,明确记名提单的概念认定依据以及法律属性;完善记名提单货物交付制度;规定货物控制权。
At present, the carrier identification is mainly based on two standard: first, the contract of carriage of goods by sea; second, the record about carrier on the bill of lading. 当前,承运人识别的依据主要有两条:一是通过订立的海上货物运输合同来识别;二是通过提单上关于承运人的记载来识别。
There are two reasons why the identification of carrier is so difficult: first, the definition of the carrier is not unified: and second, many participants is involved in carriage of goods by sea and their relation is complicated. 造成承运人识别的困难的原因有:一是承运人定义的不统一,二是海上货物运输中参与者众多,关系复杂。